Wait a Minute!

We’ve all been there, on our knees, begging God for something dear to our hearts. How many times have you prayed and prayed and kept praying for something and it just wasn’t happening fast enough? During these times in my life when I asked God repeatedly for something, I almost gave up too soon before I received the thing I had prayed for. I let my emotions overrule my faith in God’s ability to do what I know He said He would do. In those moments of doubt I could sense God telling me “just wait a minute.” He knew the plan. I was just too impatient to wait on the Lord.

In those moments of doubt I became so frustrated trying to figure out if I was the problem. I asked God, “What am I doing wrong? Why won’t you answer me? Do you even care about my desires? Don’t you love me?” Questioning God was never going to make Him move any faster. The longer I waited, the more frustrated I became. I grew tired of waiting. I grew tired of praying. I’ll admit, there were days when I told God, “I’m done.” I took God’s silence as an answer. But I was reminded of this scripture, ““But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Wait on the Lord…but how? As I continued to pray, I began to see God’s hand at work. He was still there. He encouraged me by showing me in the little things that He heard my cry. Small blessings began to flow. Every now and then someone would say something that encouraged me. These people had no idea what I had prayed for, but God used them to encourage me to wait on Him. God revealed himself to me as I read the Bible and as I began to praise Him while I waited for an answer. I began to understand that I couldn’t answer my own prayer, nor should I give up on praying for my heart’s desire. I had to wait. 

It can be difficult to understand that our timing is so far off from God’s timing. He is the creator of time. So when He tells us to wait, we don’t know how long that may be. It could be a day. It could be several years. He could answer our prayers in a moment. But know this, when we are instructed to wait, it doesn’t mean stop praying. Just know that while we are praying, God is doing what He does best as we Keep our Hearts in Faith. 💕

5 thoughts on “Wait a Minute!

  1. Powerful and timely word, Leslie. Continue to stay focused. Although I am not a single mom, I will pass it on to others.


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